Travis May's Fundraising Page
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Travis May's Fundraising Page

Hi Friends,

I'm excited for another sit-a-thon at Boulder Shambhala. The Boulder Shambhala Center is an amazing place that Chogyam Trungpa and his students began using in 1976. The main shrine room has to be one of the best in the Western hemisphere if not the best! Many great teachers have been shared their blessings and wisdom here including Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, the 16th Karmapa, Thrangu Rinpoche, Ponlop Rinpoche, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche—and of course Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche—and many more.

Today I saw the video of Kangyur being installed in the main shrine room in July of 1983. The Vidyadhara commented that it was the first time this had happened in North America. These are the complete teachings of the Buddha and represent the dharma. We have the giant and magnificent Primordial Rigden thangka representing the Buddha, and we need us, the sangha, to complete the triple jewels. It's up to us to prioritize what's important in our lives, how we spend our time and what we choose to support with our resources. The Boulder Shambhala Center and the vision and aspirations of the Sakyongs is worth saving and protecting.

We need your support to keep this going. Please help us shine the beacon of basic goodness so that the spiritual warriors of enlightend society know where to gather.

Thank you and Ki Ki So So!

ABOUT Boulder Shambhala Center's 5th Annual Sit-a-thon: May the Lotus Garden Bloom

The Sakyong’s teachings stress the widely held feeling that humanity is at a crossroads. He urges us to undergo a global self-reflection about our core principles, believing that how humanity feels about itself is critical for our future, and that of our planet. This vision of a society trusting and believing in its inherent worthiness is the basis of what the Shambhala lineage calls enlightened society.

Name Date Amount Comments
Greg Smith 03/26/2022 $26.06 Appreciate so much Travis's work for the dharma.
Leda Powers 03/26/2022 $26.06 My gratitude to you, dear Travis, for all you do for us. Please, include my family in your prayers. Thank you, Leda
Barbara Leaf 03/23/2022 $26.06 Setting an excellent example! Barbara
Joe Barnes 03/03/2022 $102.02 Go TJ!
Julie Massie 02/18/2022 $154.79 You are my hero xox
Kitty Nagy 02/18/2022 $75.00  
Ashleigh Hitchcock 02/16/2022 $111.53 I am basically good. Others are basically good. Society is basically good.
  Total $521.52  
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